
Volleyball institute



7. March 2022

Online Trainer for WEEK - An individual

Try our professional Services for a one-week period and see how much we can move you forward.
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6. July 2022


Puzzle volleyball-themed activities for kids.
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6. July 2022

Reaction volley-ball

We have developed some interesting tools for our players that force them to hit the ball technically correctly or improve their perception or strength.
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6. July 2022

Receiving roller

We have developed some interesting tools for our players that force them to hit the ball technically correctly or improve their perception or strength.
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6. July 2022

Reception volley desk

We have developed some interesting tools for our players that force them to hit the ball technically correctly or improve their perception or strength.
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6. July 2022

Setter bands

We have developed some interesting tools for our players that force them to hit the ball technically correctly or improve their perception or strength.
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7. March 2022

Study in the USA - Consultation

This service is the first step to understanding studying and playing sports at American University. We will go through the requirements, the situation with you in detail and suggest timings and solutions to ensure your child progresses in the best way.
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© Volleyball Institute - Martin Nemec | 2022