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1. februára 2022


A team that wants to be successful for a long period of time has to lower the difference between the concentration during practice and during games. Therefore, achieve the same level of playing skills during practices and during games.

If player has a different concentration in the game and a different one in practice it could have two outcomes (Graph A):

– the player is using hits during the game that he/she didn’t practice

– the player doesn’t have the hits under control

In case, the concentration level during practise is high, the players can rely on hits during the games that were practiced during training (Graph B).

– the player will use hits during the game that has been practiced

– the player will have hits under control

If we do not adjust these differences between practice and games, the individual players will decrease their performance during the games, which could escalate in the loss of many games.

For better understanding, look at the graphs below:



Pay attention when practicing only the weakest playing skills. These skills should only be at a level in which it does not hurt the team or the results.
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We spend a lot of time during practice learning the volleyball skills like hitting, serving, setting, passing, blocking, and playing in defense .... But is that enough? Is it enough to teach a 16-year-old player these skills and then stop paying attention to learning? No, it is not enough, it is a MISTAKE.
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Becoming a player that has a lot of strength is possible at any moment during the career, but being technically capable and creative not. We live in 2021 and I, as a coach, reflect on where volleyball is going, which are the latest trends and how I can be helpful to my players. We all see how volleyball is changing and developing and every good coach has to (should) react and adapt to changes.
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